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Go from surviving to thriving

One of the greatest aspects of Tapping, which makes it a well-rounded and complete technique, is that it allows you to release the old and reprogram in the new. In EFT we tap on meridian points with our fingertips while focusing on a thought, emotion, image or sensation. This helps to release associated energy blockages that cause negative emotions. We are re-wiring the brain to feel safe and detached around the issue. The memory remains but the emotional charge is gone. You can't undo a past event but you can change the way you feel about it.
However, EFT differs from conventional talk therapy in that talking is not the primary focus – it is merely a way of finding aspects of an issue that require rebalancing. EFT helps you to have a sense of freedom around events and memories allowing you to accept, learn and move on. Tapping can release emotion around illness, injury and disabilities, making these things easier to deal with and often facilitating healing and coping skills.
There is a rapidly growing body of scientific evidence of the clinical effectiveness of EFT for addressing many ailments, including depression, PTSD, anxiety disorders, food cravings and addictive behaviour, pain, and physiological symptoms. EFT operates on the premise that there is an underlying emotional component to every part of our life. When this emotional component is out of balance or blocked, our body, or mind lets us know, through disease, pain, emotional and mental problems.
“Tuning in” to the negative emotion, thought or feeling whilst tapping or rubbing a sequence of body energy points, tells the body to switch from the sympathetic nervous system to the parasympathetic nervous system and tells the brain to disconnect the stress response from the memory. The result is like flipping an electrical switch, which turns off the fight or flight response. Tapping while tuned in to the issue is like rewiring or rerouting the brain’s conditioned negative response.
Typically, the result is lasting and a person’s awareness (cognition) usually changes and new perceptual insights (cognitive shifts) into the problem become apparent as a natural result of the application. It is therefore an ideal personal healing tool for letting go of unwanted and/or repressed feelings and emotions. This has enormous implications for bringing about profound and lasting personal changes.
For more information including access to video footage demonstrating EFT, visit www.thetappingsolution.com.